Quartz Crystals on Calcite - San Antonio Mine, Chihuahua, Mexico
Small delicate crystals of bright green fluorescing quartz are peppered around a matrix of calcite on this striking specimen.
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This fantasy rock, variety "Ultimite" has 100% coverage, 5+ colors, very bright and colorful. Nicely tenebrescent sodalite and tugtupite.
Very nicely tenebrescent, you get two of the dark tenebrescent colors on one face Ð deep purple and red.
The nickname "Fantasy Rock" encompasses a group of rocks found on the Taseq Slope in the Ilimaussaq Complex, Greenland and only in this one locality within the complex. A typical Fantasy Rock usually consists of four basic minerals: tugtupite, sodalite, chkalovite, analcime, and they are always the most color-rich pieces from this exotic, remote locale.