Fantasy Rock: Tugtupite, Sodalite, Chkalovite, Analcime - Greenland

$0.00 USD

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SKU: MSG1482
Weight and Dimensions

3.4 oz, 2.5" x 2.25" x 1.5"

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A nice piece of tenebrescent fantasy rock with broad areas of blue fluorescing analcime and exquisite tugtupite veining. Areas of orange are fluorescent sodalite. You can see minor polylithionite as well. This piece is pure color - we try to photograph everything as if it were mounted in a display cabinet with the lights a foot or so away. Up close to the light this piece screams color.

The name "Fantasy Rock" was coined by MinerShop to refer to a group of rocks containing specific, bright and colorful minerals found on the Taseq Slope within the Ilimaussaq Complex of southern Greenland. These striking rocks are multi-colored and multi-wavelength. A typical Fantasy Rock usually consists of four basic minerals: tugtupite, sodalite, chkalovite, and they are always the most color-rich pieces from this exotic, remote locale.

We discovered the area where Fantasy Rocks are found in the summer of 2004, but really did not mine it until 2005. It is found high on the slope and requires a very long hike up to reach the deposit. Blasting is required to get pieces out of the veins, and then the day’s find must be backpacked out - a 2+ hour hike to the valley floor, over really rugged terrain, with a backpack filled with rocks. It’s amazing no one busted a leg in our ten years of tours. There are many varieties of Fantasy Rock found in this deposit, and each one has its own character.

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